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Spanish idioms are essential to understanding and communicating with native speakers. Because Spanish is spoken in so many different countries, extra care is required when learning idioms. Make sure to pay attention to who is saying what under what circumstances before you attempt to use anything but the most common expression. Browse below to take a look at just how many different ways you can express yourself in Spanish.
valer la pena
be worth; be worthwhile (lit.: to be worth the pain). 1. No vale la pena de ir.
venir a golpe de alpargata
walk; hoof it; go on foot (lit.: go by slapping sandals)
venir como agua de mayo
come at just the right time; be just what you need (lit.: come like water in May)
venir como anillo al dedo
be a godsend; come at just the right time (lit.: come like a ring to the finger)
vivir del paro
live off of unemployment (used in Spain)
vivir en la luna
be on cloud nine; be out to lunch (lit.: to be on the moon)
volverse loco
go insane; go mad