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Spanish idioms are essential to understanding and communicating with native speakers. Because Spanish is spoken in so many different countries, extra care is required when learning idioms. Make sure to pay attention to who is saying what under what circumstances before you attempt to use anything but the most common expression. Browse below to take a look at just how many different ways you can express yourself in Spanish.
la gran flauta
my God! (used to express surprise or disbelief)
ladrar a la luna
waste one’s breath; talk to a brick wall (lit.: to bark at the moon)
llegar a deshora
show up unexpectedly
llegar a tiempo
arrive on time; be on time
llegar a un acuerdo
come to an agreement; reach an agreement
llegar tarde
arrive late; be late
llevar a alguien en andas
carry someone on one’s shoulders (lit.: to carry someone on a portable platform. An “andas” literally refers to a portable platform)
llevar a cabo
carry out; pull off; make happen (lit.: to carry to end). 1. Tendremos una reuníon esta tarde para discutir el
tipo de sociedad que formaríamos en el caso de que
decidamos llevarlo a cabo.
llevar juntos
be together; be involved; be a couple
llevarse bien
get along well
llevarse de miedo
get along famously; get along really well
lo antes possible
as soon as possible
los de arriba
the people on top; the upper crust (lit.: those above)
los pros y las contras
the pros and the cons
bingo; got it (n.b.: said when finding something or experiencing a stroke of good luck)