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Harry Potter
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Spanish idioms are essential to understanding and communicating with native speakers. Because Spanish is spoken in so many different countries, extra care is required when learning idioms. Make sure to pay attention to who is saying what under what circumstances before you attempt to use anything but the most common expression. Browse below to take a look at just how many different ways you can express yourself in Spanish.
pagar a plazos
pay for something in installments
para colmo de desgracias
to top it all; to top it off (lit.: for the height of disgrace)
para colmo de males
to make matters worse
para diario
parecer otro/-a
look great; look fantastic
partirse el alma
make someone’s heart bleed (lit.: my soul is separated from me)
pasar a buscar
pick up; collect; get
pasar de la raya
cross the line (lit.: to pass over the line)
pasar el mono a pelo
go cold turky
pasar por alto
pass over; overlook; ignore (lit.: to pass by high)
pasarlo bomba
have a great time (lit.: to pass the bomb)
pedir la luna
ask the impossible (lit.: to ask for the moon)
pegar el ojo
fall asleep; sleep (lit.: to stick the eye)
perder la cabeza
fall madly in love with someone
pez gordo
fat cat; big cheese; big cheese (lit.: fat fish)
poner a salvo
save; rescue (lit.: to put to saving)
poner el dedo en la llaga
hit a raw nerve (lit.: to put the finger in the ulcer)
poner en camino
get underway; be underway (lit.: to put onself on road, on route)
poner en cintura
reign in (lit.: to put a belt on)
poner en marcha
start; begin; put into action
poner en su sitio a alguien
put someone in his/her place (lit.: to place someone in her/his site)
poner la mesa
set the table
poner mala cara
pout; grimace; give a dirty luck
poner toda la carne en el asador
pull out all the stops
ponerse a dieta
go on a diet
ponerse como una hiena
get pissed; be furious; hit the roof
ponerse de acuerdo
agree; come to an agreement
ponerse de novio
have a relationship; be serious with somebody
ponerse de pie
stand up (lit.: to put oneself on foot)
ponerse en contra
be against; protest; stand against
ponerse las pilas
force oneself; push oneself (lit.: put batteries in oneself)
ponerse pedo
get drunk; get sloshed; get pissed; get high
por (el) amor de Dios
for the love of God (n.b.: exclamation similar to the one in English in usage)
por adelantado
early, beforehand (lit.: by earliness)
por casualidad
by coincidence, by any chance (lit.: by coincidence)
por cierto
by the way; incidentally
por debajo de agua
under the table
por el contrario
on the contrary (lit.: by its sight)
por el momento
for now (lit.: by the moment)
por el otro lado
on the other hand
por eso
so; thus; then; next
por estos rumbos
in this neck of the woods; around here
por fin
por fortuna
por la buena
nicely; without being forced
por la flauta
oh dear! (used to express surprise or frustration)
por la mala
only when pushed; only when forced
por la verga grande
in the back of beyond; in the sticks; in the boonies (coarse, vulgar expression)
por lo general
generally; in general
por lo menos
at least; at a minimum (lit.: at/by the least)
por lo pronto
in the meantime; meanwhile. 1. Vea, por lo pronto existe una tercera opcíon.
por lo regular
por lo tanto
thus; therefore (lit.: by its sight)
por lo visto
apparently; it seems (lit.: by its sight)
por los pelos
by the skin of one's teeth
por menos de nada
for nothing; for less than nothing
por otra parte
on the other hand
por pedido de
at the request of
por si acaso
just in case
por si fuera poco
to add insult to injury
por si las moscas
just in case
por siempre
forever (lit.: for always)
por suerte
luckily, fortunately (lit.: by luck)
por supuesto
of course (lit.: by supposed)
por todos los rincones
in every nook and cranny
por un lado
on the one hand
por un pelito
by very little; by a second
por un pelo
by a hair; just.
1. Me escapo por un pelo.
por un pelo de rana
by very little; by a second; by the skin of one's teeth
por una parte
on the one hand (lit.: for one side)
primero que nada
most of all; first and foremost
junk, trash; junk food