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This dictionary is a comprehensive and in-depth look at all the slang, vulgarisms, curses, and insults, plus idioms, expressions, and a lot more, available in Spanish. If you enjoy Latin American films, television, or whatever, you'll find many of the words and phrases used in here. As always with slang, be careful using what you hear; it may not work quite the way you expect.
nada del otro mundo
idiom. nothing special
nadar en la abundancia
idiom. be rolling in dough; be made of money. (lit.: to swim in abundance)
n.f. butt; buttocks; bottom. (n.b.: colloquial or informal, but not vulgar; usually used in the plural)
n.f. butt; buttocks; bottom. (n.b.: colloquial or informal, but not vulgar)
n.f. big butt; woman with a large butt. (n.b.: used only in reference to women)
adj. ancient, very old. (n.b.: used in the Rio Plata region)
necesitar como agua de mayo
idiom. absolutely need something; really need something; must have something
n.f. girl, chick, lass. (n.b.: very common throughout the Spanish-speaking world)
n. nerd; very serious student. (used in Argentina; from the English)
ni a palos
idiom. no way; not on your life
ni en broma
idiom. no way; not on your life. (lit.: not even as a joke)
ni modo
int. no way; not a chance; not on your life
ni pizca de
idiom. not even a shred of. (lit.: not even a pinch of)
ni rastro
idiom. no sign; no hint (of something)
ni torta
no clue; no idea. (lit.: not even a cake/tart)
ni verga
int. no fucking way; you've got to be kidding
no abrir la bolsa
idiom. be tight with money;
no caber ni un alfiler
idiom. be completely packed; be jammed; be stuffed. (lit.: no even fit in a pin)
no caérsele los anillos a algn
idiom. not to be beneath one; not be beneath one’s dignity. (lit.: to not have one’s rings fall off)
no dar ni golpe
idiom. do nothing; not do anything; be idle
no es cosa mía
idiom. it’s not my business; it’s not my affair
no estar para bromas
idiom. be in no mood for jokes. (lit.: not to be for jokes)
no importar un ardite
idiom. could not care less; not give a hoot/damn. (lit.: not be worth an “ardite,” an old coin of little value)
no llevar nada encima
idiom. not have any money with
no necesitar abuela
idiom. be full of oneself; blow one’s own horn. (lit.: not to have a grandmother)
no pararse en barras
idiom. stop at nothing. (lit.: not to stop at the bars [laws])
no pasa nada
idiom. no problem; not big deal
no poder con su alma
idiom. be exhausted; be fed up; be unable to take it anymore. (lit.: not to be able with one’s soul)
no se oía ni una mosca
idiom. you could have heard a pin drop. (lit.: no even a fly could be heard)
no tener abuela
idiom. be full of oneself; blow one’s own horn. (lit.: not to have a grandmother)
no tener arte ni parte
idiom. have nothing to do with something at all. (lit.: not to have art or part)
no tiene caso
idiom. it is completely pointless; it is a waste of time
n.m. bath; bathroom. (reversed form of baño)
n.f. grade (in school). (used in Argentina; given using 1 through 10, with 4 being a passing grade)
nunca se sabe
idiom. you never know; you never can tell