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This dictionary is a comprehensive and in-depth look at all the slang, vulgarisms, curses, and insults, plus idioms, expressions, and a lot more, available in Spanish. If you enjoy Latin American films, television, or whatever, you'll find many of the words and phrases used in here. As always with slang, be careful using what you hear; it may not work quite the way you expect.
importarse un carajo
idiom. not matter at all; not give a damn about
ir a golpe de alpargata
idiom. walk; hoof it; go on foot. (lit.: go by slapping sandals)
ir a medias
idiom. go Dutch; go fifty-fifty. (used in Spain)
ir de compras
idiom. go shopping
ir de juerga
idiom. go out on the town; party; go clubbing
ir de marcha
idiom. go out partying
ir de tiendas
idiom. go shopping. (used in Spain)
irse a la cabeza del toro
idiom. grab the bull by the horns
irse al otro barrio
idiom. kick the bucket. (lit.: to go to another neighborhood)