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Harry Potter
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To know a language you have to know its idioms, and French is no exception. All forms of the language, from the highly colloquial to the utterly erudite use idioms. Browse below to find the idiom you need, or just explore the many ways you can express yourself in French.
ramasser une veste
lose one’s shirt; lose badly (in an election)
raser les murs
keep a low profile (lit.: shave the walls)
recommencer à zéro
start from scratch
regarder en chiens de faïence
glare at each other; look at each other
rendre compte
account for; realize; be aware. 1. Finalement je m’endors sans m’en rendre compte.
rendre service
be of service; render service; do a favor for
rendre visite à
visit someone
rentrer dans ses pénates
go home to
rester en vie
remain alive; stay alive
rester sec
be stumped
rester sur sa faim
remain unsatisfied
revenir sur ses pas
retrace one's steps
rien que pour moi
for myself alone; just for myself
rire à idiot
laugh insanely
rire au nez de qqn
to laugh at someone
rire en jaune
laugh on the other side of one's face; not find something funny (lit.: laugh in yellow)
ronger son frein
champ at the bit; barely contain one’s impatience
rouler sur l’or
be rolling in money; be rich
rusé comme un renard
sly as a fox; cunning as a fox
rusé comme un vieux renard
sly as a fox; cunning as a fox