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German proverbs provide a unique insight into the language, cultures, and societies of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. They are also rich with literary history and legend, and at times share origins with English proverbs. So browse for what you're looking for, or simply wander around to deepen your knowledge of German proverbs.
Kehre vor Deiner eigenen Tür
mind your own business (lit.: sweep the ground in front of your own door)
Keine Antwort ist auch eine Antwort
silence equals consent (lit.: no answer is still an answer)
keine Rose ohne Dornen
no rose without a thorn
Kleider machen Leute
the clothes make the man
Klug zu reden ist doch schwer, klug zu schweigen noch viel mehr
know when to keep your mouth shut (lit.: it is indeed hard to speak cleverly, still harder to be silent cleverly)
Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat
with time comes insight (lit.: comes time, comes advice)
kümmere dich nicht um ungelegte Eier
don't cross your bridges before you come to them (lit.: don't be concerned about unlaid eggs)