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Chinese Foreign Place Names

Chinese writes everything with characters, including the names of foreign cities, countries, and other entities. This means you have to know the characters in order to read or write about the place you are thinking of. So below is a lengthy list of foreign place names in Chinese. It's arranged in alphabetical order for the place name in English (or the Roman alphabet anyway). The Chinese characters are given in simplified form.

法罗群岛 Fàluóqǘndăo Faroe
德意志联邦共和国 Déyìzhì Liánbāng Gònghéguó Federal Republic of Germany
芬兰 Fēnlán Finland
佛罗里达 Fóluólĭdá Florida
法国 Făguó France
法属圭亚那 Făshŭguīyănà French Guiana
法属盖亚纳 Făshŭgàiyănà French Guyana
加彭 Jiāpéng Gabon
甘比亚 Gānbíyă Gambia
加萨走廊 Jiāsàzŏuláng Gaza Strip
乔治亚 Qiáozhìyă Georgia
德国 Déguó Germany
迦纳 Jiānà Ghana
直布罗陀 Zhíbùluótuó Gibraltar
大峡谷 Dàxiágū Grand Canyon
希腊 Xīlà Greece
格陵兰 Gélínglán Greenland
格瑞那达 Géruìnàdá Grenada
歌德普洛 Gēdépŭluò Guadeloupe
关岛 Guāndăo Guam
瓜蒂马拉 Guādìmălā Guatemala
几内亚 Jĭnèiyă Guinea
比索 Bísuŏ Guinea-Bissau
盖亚纳 Gàiyănà Guyana
海地 Hăidì Haiti
汉堡 Hànbǎo Hamburg
赫德岛 Hèdédăo Heard & McDonald Islands
赫塞歌维纳 Hèsàigēwéinà Herzegovina
荷兰 Hélán Holland; the Netherlands
好莱坞 Hăoláiwū Hollywood
教廷 Jiaotíng Holy See
宏都拉斯 Hóngdūlāsī Honduras
豪兰岛 Háolándăo Howland Island
匈牙利 Xiōngyálì Hungary
海德公园 Hăidégōngyuán Hyde Park
冰岛 Bīngdăo Iceland
印度 Yìndù India
印度尼西亚 Yìndùníxīyà Indonesia
印尼 Yìn’ní Indonesia (abbr.)
爱荷华州 Àihěhuá zhōu Iowa (U.S. state)
伊朗 Yīlăng Iran
伊拉克 Yīlākè Iraq
爱尔兰 Àiěrlán Ireland
巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国 Bājīsītăn Yīsīlán Gònghéguó Islamic Republic of Pakistan
曼城岛 Mànchéngdăo Isle of Man
以色列 Yĭsèliè Israel
意大利 Yìdàlì Italy
象牙海岸 Xiàngyáhăiàn Ivory Coast
牙买加 Yámăijiā Jamaica
央棉岛 Yāngmiándăo Jan Mayen

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