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Descended from Latin, French has played a substantial role as the international language of business and diplomacy, only recently replaced by English. Spoken primarily in France and Quebec, it is also used in parts of Africa and the Caribbean. It is even one of the two official languages of the state of Louisiana in the U.S.
Slang and Colloquialisms - Like all people, the French have a wide variety of earthy, pithy, and even rough and rude ways of talking about life. Covered here are the words and phrases often ignored in dictionaries.
Idioms - A collection of idioms in French, from the formal to the colloqiual or regional, with natural English translations and explanations.
Proverbs and Sayings - A practical, complete guide to the many proverbs and sayings used in the modern language. Newspapers, speeches, even television and movie dialog routinely use these, so knowing them is vital.
Dr. & Mrs. Vandertamp - The simple mnemonic to learn which French verbs use ĂȘtre when forming compound tenses.
Le Corbeau (The Raven)
, by Edgar Allen Poe. His classic poem with parallel French translation. Fun to study and compare how the poetry works in each language.
Learn French Online Free French language tutorial that offers online grammar lessons, vocabulary lists, and a basic dictionary.
Le Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique is an outstanding online dictionary for scientific, technical, lega, and commercial terminology in French and English.
One Thing In a French Day, a very nicely done, fun daily podcast with transcripts that will help anyone, particularly intermediate and advanced students, practice and improve their French.
Learn French with Daily Podcasts, a comprehensive set up lessons at various levels, including explanation of grammar and idiom (subscription required for premium features).
Learn French by Podcast, a complete collection of lessons at all levels, with transcripts, explanation, and more (subscription required for premium features).
LearnFrenchVideo Find audio and video tutorial lessons for learning beginners French online covering basic phrases, vocabulary word lists, grammar rules, songs, dialogues and conversation on LearnFrenchVideo.com.
Francophilia, a community portal and site for Francophiles from all over the world, complete with blogs, photos, forums, and more.
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